Friday, September 30, 2005

Association of Flighty Attendants

The Association of Flight Attendants is urging their members to boycott Jodie Foster's new film FlightPlan, which apparently depicts flight attendants as "rude, unhelpful and uncaring", and includes flight attendant terrorists.

I don't want to be rude here, but what the hank! How boring would Serpico have been if it was filled with honest cops! Would Groundhog Day even have been made into a movie if it featured a happy-go-lucky caring weatherman? Should robots boycott Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odessey because it depicts a computer as an psychopathic killer?

Flightplan may depict Flight Attendants as "rude, unhelpful and uncaring", but this boycotting action paints them as people unable to differentiate between fiction and reality. Flight Attendants are not stupid people, and I'm sure they will ignore this ridiculous mandate. It's a story. Get over it.

On the plus side, we now know that there is an Association of Flight Attendants. I'm a better person now! Get them a better pension! Don't tell them what movies they should watch.

Currently playing: Autograph - My Girlfriend's Boyfriend Isn't Me

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Don Adams 1923 - 2005

Don Adams, star of "Check It Out", "Inspector Gadget", and a little known show titled "Get Smart", passed away on Sunday.

I am reminded of a conversation my friend Troy Scott had with Don Adams about 5 years ago. He was the producer of a talk radio show, and had lined up Don Adams for an interview. During a commercial break, he told Mr. Adams that it was an honour to be speaking to the voice of Inspector Gadget himself, and asked him what it was like to work on such a cool show. Slightly embarrassed, Don Adams replied that he'd never seen an episode of Inpector Gadget, and had essentially read all his lines for the entire series in a single sitting.

It is amusing to me that I spent 3 years of my youth running home to watch that show, and for the man behind the character, it was a day of work and a paycheque.

Currently playing: Kansas - Dust In The Wind

Monday, September 26, 2005

The world's largest jackanape defines a jackanape as follows:
jackanape s \Jack"a*napes\, n. an impertinent or conceited fellow.

I've never watched a game of poker on TV in my life, but this weekend it happened to catch a tournament. Here, I found the world's largest jackanape, and his name is Tony G. I challenge anyone to find a more uncouth, ill mannered, inaffable miscreant on television. He provoked such disgust in me, that with his defeat, I was inspired to attempt cartwheels in the middle of my mother's living room as an expression of my joy and satisfaction. But damned if somewhere in between his boastful taunts and boorish behaviour, he managed to get me to watch a game of poker on television - something I swore I would never do for fear of lapsing into a boredom induced coma. You have got to give a guy like that credit. If ever you get the chance to see this *ss, give hime 10 minutes of your time. You will be severely entertained (and angry).

For the curious, his official website is:

On a happier note, Cat and I were in Dauphin this weekend for the wedding of David "Archie" Boyechko and his darling new wife Karla. I've known Dave since 1984 (!!!), so it was real special to see my childhood friend finally get married. I say finally, as the two of them have been engaged longer then I've known my wife! David holds the record for the person with whom I've had the longest phone conversation (3.5 hours, we were in grade 7, and I'm sure it was about girls). It was a great time (the wedding, not the phone conversation).

Currently playing: Doug and the Slugs - Day By Day

Friday, September 23, 2005

More Queen tribute...

Now THIS is the Queen tribute I'd like to see!!! Currently playing: Harold Faltermeyer - Fletch Theme

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Welcome back...

Ottawa Senators back on the radio - pre-season opener vs. the dreaded Leafs. Senators up - 3-2. Feels good to hear these games again - didn't realize how much I missed the NHL. Welcome back Sens!

Still plugging away at these Conan pages.. Deadline tonight, which means there will be no more of this tomorrow. I'm not going to miss this - of course, I didn't think i'd miss the NHL so much either....

Currently playing: Fat Joe - Safe 2 Say (the Incredible)
Weather: Dark

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Nose to the grindstone

My first real break from colouring in about 3 hours. I'm working on colouring a Conan comic book for Dark Horse Comics. It's been a good 4+ years since I was up at this hour, staring at some lineart and listening to Art Bell. It feels good to be back in the saddle again, and will feel better to be fast asleep. I feel bad complaing about my heavy eyelids - My colleagues on this project, Wil and Peter, have been running on four hours sleep a night all week, fighting to get this book out on time. They are true heroes... ;)

Once more into the breach...

Currently playing: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory - open lines
Weather: Lightning storm
Wife: asleep on couch, waiting for me to finish work :(